Isroel Kogan
I use this page to maintain links to past projects and current work. My main language tool is Python. In prior roles as a fullstack developer, I have used Django/POstgreSQL. I currently use Pandas extensively. In April I started a 3 months course with The AI Institute. It is an intensive hands on course in the use of modern statistical tools, deep learning and big data understanding. I am focusing on NLP techniques and applications. Academically my background (masters degree) is in mathematics and I enjoy data analysis/visualization as well as continuing my mathematical education, with a current focus on Bayesian modeling.
Last year I worked on developing MTA2014. This project evolved from an original idea to analyze NYC MTA data from the source, to a comprehensive ETL pipeline and visualization tool. While I have paused developement for now, before completing the analysis functions, the visualization and data querying tools are working and can be inspected.
Note: While the project is in development, the Webpage may change at any time. Please refer to my home page here for up-to-date functioning link.
Addditionally: While the site is in development, please only use Chrome. Other browsers are not tested against and may not render the page correctly.
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To the left you can see some of the books I'm currently reading/reviewing